Sunday, November 1, 2009

habuk habuk....


lame lak x tulis ape2... dah berhabuk dah ni...
haha... sampai kekok plak nak tulis...

life skang: hard, damn hard...
training utk certifications blom abes, tp dah start melilau cr keje... and couple weeks back dpt interview from mesiniaga USJ branch... as network engineer...
the interview: waaaaaa damn dissapointing weh.... IQ test ade 2... math test lg... network test pastu.... aishhhh...

mmg amat2 mengecewakan... dah la bas or cab x masuk tempat tuh... jalan kaki(dlm hujan okayyy) sejauh beberape km br sampai civilization... wth....

sehari sblom tu dlm kepale tanam angan2 yg interviewer tu akan ckp cmni : "waaaaaa awak lah org yg kami cari selame ni.. u r the chosen one!!! awk bole mula keje sini, kami bagi gaji Rm 2000 sesaat.. dan kereta enam bijik utk awk... tahniah!!!"

then in the real interview, tunggu punye tunggu, xde lak interviewer tu kuarkan ayat yg mendekati ke arah angan2 aku tu... mmg x dkt langsung... haha.. mcm Mid Valley dgn penghujung galaksi bima sakti jauhnye...

then, reality hits me... this is life.. mula dari bwh, jgn byk bunyi, jgn berlagak mcm agong..
in a way, i learn that we have to take what is prepared for us.. and adapt ourself.. situations wont always be as easy as a slice of cake, but thats what we have to deal with.. life aint no fairy tale guys...
Insyallah, rezeki akan dtg jugak....

till then, take care...

'it aint much but its life'

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