Friday, April 9, 2010

saat ini...


post mmg xkan ade kene mengena dgn tajuk.. hahaha...
so, recently i watched a movie.. not a new movie, the title was "lucky number slevin"..
good movie... there is a line in that movie that really gets my attention...

"The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him on the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle."

hahahhaa... nice rite...
well, what i think this line means is that, we, as humans always see and believe what we want to believe.. and almost all the time, the things that we believe, always favors to us of course..
and, in almost all cases, we are not willing to admit, or incapable of believing(this is soooo critical)
that we are wrong.. the reason is, our ego of course.. too much ego will kill ya.. better believe that..
and when all the decisions we made ends up giving us a hard time, mayb it is time to follow what others think... maybe they know what is best (i know sum people are sayin "ah, only i know what is best for me")... rite... that is ur ego talking.. if u think that all ur decisions in life aint producing any good for urself, mayb its time to take into considerations what others think..

see ya...

"saat ini hati aku sakit sgt... sape tahu?"

'it aint much but its life'

Saturday, February 27, 2010

pelangi emas...


heheh.. it has been a long long time eh...
oh well...

pernah x korang percaya sumthing tu sungguh2, but it turns out yg korang sbenarnye percaya pada bende yg sememangnya x betul...
for example... korang suke pelangi... cantik.. indah... berbagai warna... korang pegi kejar pelangi tu... kejar2.. kejar... at last korang find out yg there is nothing there.. kosong... mane ade ape2 sane... xde ape...
amacam? sedikit kekecewaan di situ?

mcm mane perasaan exited and indah yg korang dpt dari mempercayai, or meyakini sesuatu yang korang pasti ialah real.. exited sungguh... tapi perasaan tu mengaburi keupayaan korang utk ingat, bahawa tiada apa di dunia ni yg kekal...

contoh seterusnya... katakan korang sayang satu benda ni... for example, handset... sayang sgt2... function bagus, cantik, kamera seribu mega pixel, dan lain2... korang bwk pegi mane2... fuhh gile berlagak tunjuk kat member2 henset baru... nampak henset org lain, ludah.. sbb x sehebat henset korang walaupun henset lain tu sembilan ribu megapixel ke ape ke.. hahaha.. kan...
satu ari, henset tu jatuh dlm tandas.. setel.. hancur... amacam? kecewa? sedih?
nak mengamuk satu dunia? nak salahkan sape? takdir? diri sendiri? nak maratap kat langit marah2?
sbb pada awalnya kita ni x seharusnye letak harapan or sayang bende tu lebih dari kite sayang empunya segalanya.. Tuhan.
jgn kite hidup dlm fantasi diri kita sendiri sampai lupa yg semuanya xkan kekal.. semuanya bkn seperti ape yg kite rancang, bkn ape yg kite nak..

fikirkan dalam2, ape yg kekal, dan ape yg sementara... just sbagai renungan.. okeh..


'it aint much but its life'